Power of ICU
What is ICU? ICU stands for Intensive Care Unit, just like in a hospital. ICU is an academic support system for students and a communication tool for teachers and parents. Here at Warren Middle School, applying the Power of ICU means that we are dedicated to fostering a culture where students are served through daily individualized support by all staff members. The program’s foundation lies in the understanding that ALL students will complete ALL assignments. Missing work is tracked school-wide within an electronic database. Students learn quickly that if they have a missing or poorly completed assignment, their grade is “sick” and needs attention.
Students with missing or poor quality assignments have their names placed on an ICU list. A parent/guardian should receive a text message (or email) stating that his/her child has been placed on the ICU list. Students will have a variety of opportunities with staff to get the work completed during the school day (PLP, AA, lunch/recess), but may also need to get it completed at home. Names are removed from the ICU list when quality work has been completed and the parent/guardian will be notified via text or email.
Parent/guardian ICU contact information will be automatically pulled from contact information within PowerSchool. It will typically pull the first primary contact person’s cell phone number and email address. If that information is not current, or you would like a second contact number included, please email with the new information.
If your child is new to the building, please email with your child’s name and grade level, so that your status within the ICU database can be verified.
We look forward to helping your child master the content needed to be prepared for future academic endeavors.